Tag: .com

  • How To Get Rid Of Ants In Brentwood

    We have several common pest ants in our Brentwood service area. The ants we find getting into homes most often are odorous house ants, pavement ants, little black ants, Pharaoh ants, Argentine ants, and acrobat ants. They range in size from 1/16 to 1/2 an inch in length. If you see ants that are larger […]

  • What Every Nashville Property Owner Needs To Know About Rodent Control

    When we talk rodents, we’re usually talking about mice and rats. While we have another common rodent pest in our Nashville service area, namely squirrels, they don’t cause as much trouble as mice and rats. If squirrels get inside, they tend to stay in attic spaces. They don’t raid your pantry or kitchen and they […]

  • Hendersonville Homeowners' Guide To Understanding Your Termite Bond

    Have you been told that it is important to get a termite bond but you’re not quite sure what that is or what it entails? Hopefully, we can help you sort that out today. What is a termite bond? A termite bond is a legally binding agreement between you and your pest control provider, and […]

  • Pests To Watch For Around Your Brentwood Home This Winter

    Do you have stink bugs crawling in your curtains or perching on your light fixtures? Do you have Asian lady beetles or box elder bugs congregating on your window sills? Have you started to hear scratching and bumping inside your walls? It wouldn’t be surprising. When temperatures drop outside, insects and rodents get inside Brentwood […]

  • How To Choose The Right Pest Control Company For Your Nashville Property

    When pests get into your Nashville property, they can make life miserable, damage your belongings, and present a threat to your health. Nuisance pests, like Asian lady beetles, stink bugs, cluster flies, and box elder bugs can drive you crazy when they find a way into your home. Destructive insects, like silverfish, clothing moths, and […]

  • The Benefits Of Year-Round Pest Control For Your Hendersonville Property

    There are many ways pests can be a problem. Some pests are just annoying. When you get into the shower and have a centipede climb over your toes, you’re not going to start the day off right. Some pests sting. If paper wasps or yellow jackets create a nest on your outside walls, or inside […]

  • What Attracts Mice To Brentwood Homes?

    When mice get into your Brentwood home, they can be frustrating pests. They can also make you sick. If you want the greatest chance of successfully keeping them out, you need to understand what attracts them to your home in the first place. Often, long before mice get in, they explore your yard. If you […]

  • What Nashville Property Owners Need To Know About Roof Rats

    In our Nashville service area, we have two rat species that can become problems. One is a burrowing rat that is usually brown in color. The other is a black rat that likes to climb trees. We’re going to be talking about those tree climbing rats today. They’re called roof rats. What Makes Roof Rats […]

  • A Guide To Boxelder Bugs For Hendersonville Property Owners

    It can be more than a little disturbing when a large number of bugs start to congregate on your deck, or on the exterior of your home. But this is exactly what you can expect from boxelder bugs. If you’re seeing these insects on your Hendersonville property for the first time, you probably have questions. […]

  • What Everyone In Brentwood Should Know About Asian Lady Beetles

    This is the time of year when it is important to consider a tiny beetle known as the Asian lady beetle. These little guys may be nice to have around in your garden, but when they get into your home they can cause trouble. They’re irritating houseguests and they have the ability to stain your […]