Month: January 2018

  • Where Do Termites Go During The Winter?

    Just like all insects, winter can affect how active termites are. Insects are cold-blooded animals that speed up when it is warm and slow down when it is cold. Some insects even have behavioral patterns that cause them to seal up their nests or dig deeper into the ground to get below the frost line. […]

  • How To Identify Silverfish

    When silverfish get into a home, they don’t do as much damage as termites, carpenter ants, and other wood-destroying pests, and they don’t cause illnesses the way cockroaches, rodents, ants, ticks, and other illness-spreading pests do, so they are sometimes ignored at first. But a silverfish infestation is not something you should ever shrug off. […]

  • Year-Round Pest Control Options

    Your home is where life happens, and life is a lot better without pests. There are three primary ways pest control can work to improve your life. Let’s take a look at them, and see how All-American Pest Control works to meet these needs. Interior Protection When pests get inside your home, they can bite, […]

  • Problems Mice Cause In Nashville Homes

    If you are the type of person who thinks having a few little mice inside your Nashville home is no big deal, you might want to think again. Once a few mice make their way into your house to set up a nest (or even just one mouse–that happens to be female–and pregnant) they can […]

  • Wolf Spider Prevention Tips

    Have you ever wished you could get a quick primer on how to keep wolf spiders out of your home? Well, here you go. We’ve put together this quick guide to help you understand what wolf spiders are and how you can successfully keep them out of your home. Keeping any pest out of your […]

  • Why Do I Have Ants In My Home During The Winter?

    It isn’t surprising to see ants in the summer. They can appear in many locations both inside and outside of your home. But during the winter months, ants seem to disappear. You’re not likely to see a superhighway of tiny, little ants along the edge of the border between your kitchen and your living room […]

  • 5 Interesting Cockroach Facts

    Cockroaches are an equal opportunity pest. Hotels, motels, homes, condos, apartment buildings, and restaurants are all on the list of possible places that they like to take up residency. We’ve all heard the phrase “roach motel” which is referring to a motel that leaves a lot to be desired in the area of cleanliness, but […]

  • Infestation Of Awesome

    You know what makes it easier for All-American to control pests? An “infestation” of awesome people that transform our business into a community. What makes us stand out from other pest control companies is our priority to focus on the families we serve and not just the business side of things. The core values that […]